About Nancy Friedman

Nancy Friedman, popular franchise conference speaker, is a customer service expert and president of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training. She is the author of nine books and available to spice up your meetings. Reach Nancy at: 314 291 1012 or [email protected], or visit her website at www.nancyfriedman.com
  • customer+satisfaction

Is Your Brand Being Sabotaged?

By |2021-05-27T14:51:53+00:00August 29th, 2018|Blog|

There’s so much to know and learn as a new franchisee – and so much ‘paper work’ coming down from HQ, that franchisees often get lost in a barrage of paper, rather than focusing on the big picture. That can lead to your franchisees unknowingly sabotaging your brand and their customer satisfaction. Nancy Friedman, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, outlines five common phrases that can sabotage a business and how to mitigate them.