Survey List Contact Requirements

Please note: Any contact lists that are not submitted in the following format will be returned to you for re-formatting and may delay the launch of your survey. If you need assistance with re-formatting, FBR can help for an additional fee of $150/hour.

Corporate employees who are also franchisees are not eligible to participate in the survey. Please exclude when submitting the contact list.

  • Excel or CSV format of open and operating franchisees (at least 3 months)
  • Required Fields
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • email
    • address1
    • address2
    • city
    • state (two-letter abbreviation)
    • zip
    • phone
  • Optional Fields
    • dbaName (franchisee’s dba)
    • mobile
    • alternatePhone
    • partnerFirstName
    • partnerLastName
    • partnerEmail
    • partnerMobile
  • International partners/franchisees (not operating franchises in the U.S.) include first_name, last_name, email, extraData-Country only.
  • Remove any duplicate entries, leaving the best contact email and phone number in the list provided.
    • Multi-unit franchisees should only receive one survey (we do ask them how many territories/locations they operate within the survey).
    • Partnerships*: FBR recommends you send one survey per partnership. You can choose which partner it goes to, or we can send the link to two email addresses email and partnerEmail, and whoever completes the survey first closes out the link.
  • Exclude any corporate owned/corporate employee operated franchises.

*Note: some franchisors want feedback from each partner involved in the business. If this is the case, each franchisee to receive a survey should be listed on the contact list in their own row.