Top 5 Franchising Articles
Published January 23, 2023

5 Franchising Articles from 2022 That Deserve Another Read

2022 may be in the rearview mirror, but there were several posts that offered some great insights that are worth another look as we dive head first into 2023.

1. Net Promoter Score for Franchises

By: Michelle Rowan, President & COO

Why revisit now?

Most brands understand the value of customer satisfaction surveys and have been using them for years, often utilizing the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is arguably the gold standard for gathering feedback and benchmarking customer loyalty. In 2023, more and more franchise brands are leaning into the value of gathering feedback from other key stakeholders, including franchisees and employees (yay!). But it can also be confusing to understand when NPS is a useful measurement tool (boo). 

Quick snippet:

The franchisee/franchisor relationship is a complex one. It’s long-term, 5-10 years in most franchise systems, and like most long-term relationships it will ebb and flow. Perception is reality, and an annual survey enables you to measure the perceptions of franchisees in all the areas where they rely on you—training and support, marketing, innovation—and work to align expectations if needed. 

Feedback of any kind, including NPS, is great. But if you truly want useful insights on the perspectives of the key stakeholders in your system who have more invested in your brand than just a transaction, you should be asking more. 


2. The Top 5 Employment Trends for Franchisors to Watch

By: Eric Stites, Founder & CEO

Why revisit now? 

Many of the labor challenges that franchising faced last year haven’t gone away. Quiet quitting, burnout, and hybrid work were some of the biggest challenges for franchising in 2022, and those challenges are continuing to morph in 2023. At the end of the day, employee engagement and meaningful work are where franchisors need to focus their efforts to positively impact recruitment and retention. 

Quick snippet:

The challenge now is how do franchise organizations navigate the new normal of a hybrid workforce? While two out of three employees would like to stay remote full-time, many franchise leaders want their teams back in the office more frequently. Currently, 21 percent of corporate franchise staff are working remotely full-time, with another 32% working remotely part-time.

This new hybrid work environment certainly has its pros and cons. Employees argue for the benefits of greater flexibility, improved productivity, and better work-life balance – not to mention the environmental and cost/time savings from reduced commutes. Many employers on the other hand aren’t sold on productivity gains, and they worry about the cultural impacts, communication challenges, and reduced learning/collaboration of dispersed employees.


3. Three Takeaways from The Wealthy Franchisee (Not Just for Franchisees)

By: Emily George, Senior Client Consultant

Why revisit now?

As a new year begins, many of us focus on improving our mindset, our relationships, and our careers. Scott Greenberg shares his experience as a former franchisee in The Wealthy Franchisee, but the wisdom he imparts applies to anyone who wants to take ownership for their personal success. 

Quick snippet:

As I read through Greenberg’s explanation of how The Quintuple-Double C model can impact one’s trajectory to wealthy franchisee status it became more and more clear to me that all of these things applied to me just the same. Maintaining a focus on self-awareness and self-improvement with the intention of supporting a more positive mindset can make anybody better at what they aspire to be on a daily basis.


4. The Ultimate Guide to Employee Pulse Surveys

By: Ali Forman, B2B Marketing Director

Why revisit now? The beginning of the year is typically a time when employees return to work with renewed energy and focus on achieving big picture goals and projects. But like those new year’s resolutions that are quickly broken, it’s easy to lose that momentum as we get back to the grind.  

Pulse surveys are one of the most helpful, but under-rated tools, for gathering real-time employee feedback to understand engagement levels and identify potential problem areas that can impact your growth and success.

Quick snippet:
Employee pulse surveys measure employee sentiment about specific, targeted topics or  initiatives–whether that’s employee experience (e.g. recognition programs, stress/burnout levels), organizational culture and core values, opinions of leadership, diversity and inclusion, work/life balance, communication, management, or flexibility.

Asking questions around the core values of your organization is a great example of using pulse surveys to understand the culture of your organization. For example, questions like, “Do our core values help guide you in making important decisions?” and “Do the actions of leaders and managers align with our core values?”.


5. How to Celebrate Employees Every Day—Not Just on Employee Appreciation Day

By: Michelle Rowan, President & COO

Why revisit now?

Employee Appreciation Day will be here again before you know it, but celebrating employees all year long—not just for a day here or there—needs to become a foundational part of your organizational culture if it is to make any impact on the future success of your business. 

 Quick snippet:

A lot of companies throw a party to say goodbye and wish departing colleagues well in their next adventure. Instead, focus on the “first 30” to show new employees what your brand and team are about and express how happy you are to have them join the team. Think about the first 30 seconds, the first 30 minutes, and then the first 30 days.

Most of us have experienced the challenges of finding the right employees to help our business grow and  who we enjoy working alongside. There’s no guarantee how long we will have them in our organizations, so find ways to show appreciation frequently and make building a culture that they want to be a part of a top priority.  

The ONLY Event Designed Just for Franchise Operations Teams

fbr summit 2025How can you make an immediate and lasting impact on your franchisees’ success? Find out at the FBR Summit, October 21-23 in Austin, TX. The Summit is an intensive, event created just for franchise operations leaders and their teams that directly support franchisees. Don’t miss it!





About the Author: Ali Forman

As the Marketing Director, Ali’s role is to educate franchise companies about and inspire them to participate in FBR’s research in order to grow and improve their brands. Ali's previous experience includes senior marketing communications roles in the employee benefits, data privacy, and publishing sectors. She lives in Maine with her husband and two sons.
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