We Asked a Franchisee How He Chose a Franchise Brand: Here’s What He Said
Franchise Business Review interviewed Chris Willems, who recently invested in a TWO MEN AND A TRUCK franchise, to ask him how he chose a franchise brand. Chris shares how Franchise Business Review’s research played a major role in his due diligence process and ultimately led him to select TWO MEN AND A TRUCK from the 10 brands he was considering.
FBR: Could you tell us a little bit about the due diligence process and what you did to identify Two Men and a Truck as a franchise?
Chris: Obviously, getting involved with the franchise is a big step for anyone. One of the keys to that is do your due diligence.
While we were going through and trying to make up our minds and decide what we wanted to go as far as investing in a franchise, one of the pieces of due diligence was Franchise Business Review.
I had locked onto that because a lot of what you see out on the web or things that I could find to try and determine which franchises were successful were based on either revenues or the number of units that had been started, were in business, and things like that.
I wanted to go a little bit further and peel back the onion and understand what was driving the success in franchises.
In Franchise Business Review, I thought I could get a lot of that because these are all questions and interviews and surveys with franchisees and what they think about their business. It’s not coming from the franchisor, per se.
I got a lot of information from there as far as their satisfaction and what they thought about the whole franchise system and their support.
What kind of training they give, all kinds of things like that which told me a lot about what the kind of backing was behind the product that you were getting involved with.
“I also went to franchisees themselves and a lot of what I found in the Franchise Business Review correlated very directly to what I was hearing from the franchisees themselves.”
I also went to franchisees themselves and a lot of what I found in the Franchise Business Review correlated very directly to what I was hearing from the franchisees themselves.
FBR: Did you look at other brands when you were looking through Franchise Business Review’s information, or did you only look at Two Men and a Truck?
Chris: No. When I first started looking at franchises, I had a list of probably 10 of them that were of interest to me. I looked at all of them and I was looking for red flags or stop lights that would say, “This isn’t for you.”
Franchise Business Review was something that I used to be able to compare all of them because it’s pretty easy to do. That directed me to things that I kept seeing that had green lights.
I wouldn’t say that Franchise Business Review answered every question that I had for all the different franchises, a lot of that’s personal, what your preferences are, but the data was there for me to determine what direction I wanted to go.
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