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Published February 18, 2020

Disrupting the Lifecycle

Franchisee validation is a clear and measurable indicator of operational soundness; however, the typical franchisee lifecycle shows that a new franchisee’s satisfaction usually declines after a few years – which can negatively affect validation and franchise sales.

Executives from leading brands share some of the unique approaches they are taking to mitigate or break the franchisee lifecycle and turn those programs (and their franchisees) into a development tool.

Key takeaways:

  • Unique approaches to support and training to keep tenured franchisees engaged and improve validation
  • How to ensure franchisees’ expectations are being met once they join the system
  • Using franchisee support programs as a selling tool


  • Tony Lamb, Founder & CEO, Kona Ice
  • Ted Andrews, Owner, Kona Ice NE Cincinnati
  • Kathy Thornton- Bias, President, Verlo Mattress Factory Stores
  • Stieg Nystrom, Owner, Verlo Mattress of St. Louis, MO

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