What’s the best way to share survey information with my team and franchisees?

It’s always best to get buy-in from your corporate team and your franchisees before launching your survey. FBR has a number of tools and templates to help you communicate the value of the survey across your system. 

Once you have the survey results, it’s important to get key stakeholders, including executive, operations, development and marketing/PR teams, on the wrap up call with FBR to identify and prioritize which challenges you need to tackle. We’ve found that companies that get the entire organization involved reap the most value and are able to tie the success of corporate objectives directly to ROI. 

It’s also important to share the results back with your franchisees. When sharing your results with franchisees, point out highs AND lows, and talk about goals and expectations. You can do this at your annual convention, via a web meeting, and if franchisees shared their name, we encourage you to reach out to them directly to thank them and ask for ideas on how to improve. Franchisees are more likely to be engaged if they feel like you’ve heard them and are acting on their feedback.