Work Keeping You Up at Night? Rest Easy with the 2016 Ops Series
We talk with franchise executives day in and day out about how to improve franchisee satisfaction, and the most common question I get, hands down, is: What are other brands doing to solve their challenges?
It’s a great question. And one of the reasons I love working in the franchise industry is that so many people are willing and eager to share their ideas and experiences.
Three years ago, we started our Ops Webinar Series to bring franchise professionals together to learn from each other and exchange best practices.
This year, the Ops Series returns in May, with just as much–if not more–great tips, real-world stories, and practical takeaways. We’ll be talking about topics like franchisee vision planning–one of the most under-utilized tools in franchising. We’ll also talk about how to strike the right balance when it comes to making the investment in new technologies.
Our panelists will show you how they’ve seen game-changing results by sharing unit-level data with franchisees and how they’ve created healthy AND wealthy systems through open, efficient communication channels. Finally, we’ll hear the stories of three franchisors who have turned their operations around by making franchisee satisfaction a top priority.
You won’t get these kinds of insights at any other industry event–and the kicker is, you don’t even have to leave your desk! Don’t miss this chance to spend a few hours hearing from your peers how the lessons they’ve learned can help you solve the challenges that keep you up at night.
Get the Series recordings now.
Bonus! The series is approved for 150 CFE credits!