Franchisee Satisfaction Survey Toolkit

Congratulations! You made a smart decision to survey your franchisees’ satisfaction

Franchisee satisfaction and engagement has a direct and measurable impact on system profitability – and you’re now well on your way!

To make it easy for you, we put together everything you need to know to about the survey process, including samples and templates, in this toolkit. Please bookmark this page and share it with everyone on your team who will be involved in the process.

Let’s get started!


FBR does all the heavy lifting. We just need a few items from you to get your survey started:

  • Current FDD (required for any company offering franchises in the U.S.)
  • Franchisee contact list (Click here for instructions and sample template.) Note: Corporate employees who are also franchisees are not eligible to participate in the survey due to conflict of interest. Please exclude when submitting the contact list.
  • Custom questions (Contact Nicole Dudley if you would like to add custom questions to your survey.)
  • Logo (high-res RGB on transparent background)
  • Up-to-date brand profile information, including investment levels and cash requirements. This information is used to create profile pages on our website to highlight award-winning brands to interested candidates. Submit here.


Give your franchisees and your corporate team a heads up about the survey before it launches to maximize participation and reduce confusion. We prepared these templates to help you communicate all the necessary details:


FBR will check participation mid-way through the survey process and provide you with an update on progress/engagement. In addition:

  • Real-time feedback: You can start reviewing real-time feedback from franchisees as soon as the survey launches using the online analytics tool. See the tutorial on how to use the tool. (Note: If you are using the FREE version of the survey, you will not have access to the tool. Contact Nicole Dudley to discuss upgrading your access.)


FBR will send a reminder from [email protected] to remaining franchisees to boost participation before closing the survey.

Send a reminder note from your team to all franchisees to encourage final feedback, extend any deadlines (if needed), and thank all those who have already participated. (Note: We do not provide a list of who has already participated due to confidentiality.)

Reminder email template

Survey wrap up: FBR will work with you to determine a survey close date.


Once your survey wraps, you can expect to receive the final results of your survey within 2-3 business days.

If you purchased the paid survey:

  • PDF reports summarizing the data will be emailed to you. (Work on any custom reports will begin.)
  • FBR will schedule a call to review the results with your leadership team.
  • You have online access to the full results.
  • We recommend you share the results with your franchisees. We’ve provided a sample post-survey email communication you can use:

If you opted for the free survey:

  • A snapshot of your benchmark will be emailed to you.*
  • FBR will schedule a call to review the snapshot. (You will still have the option to upgrade to the receive the full suite of reports and access the data online. Click here to learn more about what is included.

*Snapshot reports are provided at no cost for your first survey. Snapshots are available for a minimal processing fee for subsequent surveys .


When franchisees take the time to provide feedback it’s important to make them feel valued and appreciated. We encourage you to send a note to everyone in your system, thanking them for their participation and sharing some next steps.

There are several ways to accomplish this. Some of our clients prefer to review the results on a call with the whole system, while others record a video message to send out or share some of the results by email.


Some important things to consider:

  • The more personalized, the better. Make your franchisees feel they are more than just a number, but rather individually recognized and appreciated. If the franchisee chose to share their name on the survey, address email communications to them by name, thanking them for taking the time to take the survey.
  • Acknowledge the value of their feedback. Let them know their feedback is essential to the team and that you appreciate their time and effort. You take their input seriously to consider how to improve the franchise system.
  • Share expectations. Let franchisees know what to expect from the team next and how you plan to use the data.
  • Emphasize the importance of participating. Stress the importance of being heard via the survey. Their feedback helps to shape the future of the franchise system.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the call. If you plan to do a call with franchisees to review the results, be clear on the purpose of the call—reviewing the results and discussing next steps.
  • Let franchisees know what’s coming next. Will there be another survey? Will you update them on any changes that come from their feedback? Invite them to participate in deeper discussions or test new ideas?
  • Closing the feedback loop with participants will help build stronger relationships. To make it easy for you, we’ve provided some sample communications you can use or modify. Please let us know if we can assist further.

Post-survey Franchisee Communications:

Individual Follow Up:

Once the overall results have been shared with your system, we recommend the leadership team schedule one-on-one conversations with the franchisees who shared their name on the survey to clarify any outstanding questions or concerns. We’ve created this tip sheet to help ensure that those conversations are effective and productive.


  • The survey process is completely confidential. No data/feedback is shared without the franchisee’s consent.
    • Names of participants or non-participants cannot be provided to the corporate team. If you have access to the online tool you will be able to see data/feedback from franchisees who chose to share their name.
  • The email invitation to franchisees comes from [email protected]
    • All franchisees receive a unique link/key to participate; we cannot send a generic link.
  • Corporate employees who are also franchisees are not eligible to participate in the survey due to conflict of interest.
  • When the survey is complete your FSI score will be determined. Learn more about FSI.
  • Whitelist instructions: If your franchisees use a brand email address
    • Whitelist any emails that look like [email protected]
    • Whitelist the SENDING DOMAIN of
    • Whitelist the sending IP of and
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